Our interpreters work in various styles: simultaneous, consecutive, ad hoc. We specialise in working in 'whispering' mode, seated unobtrusively beside the listener, as well as in the more traditional 'ad hoc' or booth styles or the latest on-line conferencing situations. Radio-microphones and headphones are a stress-free option for everyone in a meeting where more than one participant wishes to listen to a 'whispering' interpreter. And if delegates need to move into breakout groups, the interpreter - and the equipment - goes too.
If you want one-to-one 'whispering' interpreting for several individuals at one meeting, each in a different language, there's no problem. Each interpreter speaks to an individual listener in his or her own language.
The interpreter's role is to:
Enable all delegates to participate in the meeting through a language in which they feel comfortable Faithfully represent exchanges between participants in the language of the meeting and in the language of the participant Maintain an impartial yet not impassive relationship with all parties Respect the confidentiality of all information handled
Each participant being able to follow all proceedings All participants feeling that their views and participation are valued - even before they arrive Full team participation, regardless of language, country or cultural background Aware of the needs of their colleagues, mother-tongue English speakers become equally involved in the mutual effort to understand and be understood despite language differences